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<span class="floatright" style="height:288px; width:214;">https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-RrJSWfZsjG0/UMENFD9DZ_I/AAAAAAAAFMw/Hx8XnbQYAwY/s288/IMG_1506.JPG</span>
= Welcome to the Coral Digest =
= Welcome to the Coral Digest =

This is a project of the [http://ie.unc.edu/enst259 ENST259 Coral Reef Ecology and Management at UNC - Chapel Hill (ENST259)] class. It is meant to be a semi-comprehensive resource for learning about corals, coral reefs, the threats corals face, the role and importance reefs play in the world, and management of reefs and reef-related environments. In time, this Wiki will become the class "textbook", and we hope that other classes interested in learning about coral reefs might also find it useful and informative.
Coral [[Reefs|reefs]] are the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" of the oceans. In the face of climate change, there is no doubt that coral reefs are declining worldwide. Increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have led to [[SSTs|warming oceans]], [[Acidification|ocean acidification]], [[Disease|coral disease]], and global [[Bleaching|bleaching]] events that occur too frequently for [[Coral|coral]] to recover. Localized threats from [[Overfishing|overfishing]], [[Pollution|pollution]] (including [[Plastics|marine plastics]]), [[InvasiveSpecies|invasive species]], and even the [[Sunscreen|sunscreen]] that we all wear all but ensure that coral reefs, and the amazing assortment of [[Fish|fish]] and [[Creatures|creatures]] that depend on them, will continue to decline, despite our best [[Management|efforts to preserve and manage]] the reefs.
Each year's ENST259 class will build upon the material from previous years. Students will select topics of interest from a list of topics provided by previous years' students that require more research, or students can introduce new topics. After a semester of research, current students will synthesize their research and add that content to this wiki.
=== Main Topics ===
<!--<span class="floatright" style="height:216px; width:288;">https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-1EeGtUlAIYQ/UMEM4RoXwwI/AAAAAAAAFJk/eK-qUA_SyJA/s288/117.jpg</span>-->
*[[reefs|Reef Structure, Formation, and Ecology]]
*[[reefInhabitants|Reef and Near-reef Inhabitants]]
*[[threats|Threats to Corals and Coral Reefs]]
*[[management|Protecting and Managing Coral Reefs]]
=== Tips for Using This Site ===
*If you are looking for something specific, like information on coral bleaching, use the Search box at the top and type in "bleaching"
*If you want to learn more about a given topic, then start with the Main Topics, and work your way down towards more specific topics
=== About Our Images ===
Unless otherwise indicated, photos shown on this site are pulled from our class photo album located at https://picasaweb.google.com/ENST259, and image credits are attributed in the photo album. Unless otherwise indicated, all photos are from the US Virgin Islands (the vast majority from St. John) or the British Virgin Islands (the Caves of Normal Island or the Indians).
=== Contact ===
If you have any questions about this wiki or topics you'd like to see added, please email Brian Naess at naess@unc.edu.

=== Topics for 2014 Students ===
This site is a collection of student research.
* [[ReefHistory|Ancient Coral Reefs/Reefs in the Fossil Record]]
== Recent Updates ==
* Descriptions/Discussion of [[PatchReefs|Patch Reefs]] and [[BankReefs|Bank Reefs]]
* New content: [[Biosphere2|Biosphere 2]]
* Topics for Students interested in Biology/Ecology/Marine Science:
* Updates to the [[ArtificialReefs|Artificial Reefs]] page
** [[CoralPolyps|Coral Polyps]] and helping to fill out the info on [[Zooxanthellae]]
* Updates to the [[CoralTransplantation|Coral Transplantation]] page
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of [[Scleractinians|Stony Corals]] (by Kendall Clark and Laura Gilland)
* Updates and new content on the [[Pharmaceuticals|Reefs and Pharmaceuticals]] page
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of [[Octocorals|Soft Corals]]
* Updates to the [[Moon|Effects of the Moon on Reef Organisms]] page
** In-depth discussion of [[CoralReproduction|Coral Reproduction]]
[[File:Magnificent-feather-duster.JPG|thumb|left|600px|alt=Magnificent Feather Duster|Magnificent Feather Duster]]
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of [[Deepwater|Deepwater Corals]]
** Interesting Fish Behaviors like [[FishSchooling|Schooling]], [[FishFeeding|Feeding Techniques]], etc. (there are others, so you may come up with your own topic)
** [[FishReproduction|Fish Reproduction]], which would include a discussion of [[FishHermaphroditism|Hermaphroditism]]
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of any reef creature that might interest you from our [[Creatures]] page
*** Turtles - S.E. Spencer and Michelle Gordon
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of [[Sponges]], and more about [[SpongeImportance|The important role of sponges on reefs]]
** Descriptions/Discussion/Biology of [[OtherBuilders|Other Reef Builders]] like [[Hydrozoans]] and [[CorallineAlgae|Coralline Algae]]
** Different Reef Relationships like [[Symbiosis]] (only needs a little more info), [[Mutualism]], [[Commensalism]], and [[Parasitism]]
** Describe and illustrate the different [[FeedingGuilds|Feeding Guilds and Trophic Levels]] on the reefs
* [[Bioerosion|Talk about the role of Bioerosion on reefs]]
* In-depth discussions of one or more of the other ecosystems associated with reefs, like [[Mangroves]], [[MacroalgalBeds|Macroalgal Beds]], and [[Lagoons]]
* Perhaps combined with the above topic, a discussion of the importance of [[NurseryAreas|Nursery Areas]]
* One of the major threats to coral reefs is [[Pollution]], which can take many forms, including [[WaterPollution|Water Pollution]], [[NutrientLoading|Nutrient Loading]], and [[Plastics|Plastics and other Litter]]
* Other threats like [[PhysicalDamage|Physical Damage (anchors, tourist trampling, etc.)]], [[Sediment|Sediment Overload]], and [[AirPollution|Air Pollution, including dust]]
* One major impact from increased CO2 in the atmosphere is [[Acidification|Ocean Acidification]]. Talk about how this might affect coral reefs and find examples where this may already be happening
* Another major impact from increased CO2 in the atmosphere is warmer temperatures and [[SSTs|warmer sea surface temperatures (SSTs)]]. Warmer [[SSTs]] may even play a role in [[SSTFlooding|increased flooding]]
* For someone interested in economics, much work has been done to estimate the [[EconomicValuation|Economic Value]] of reefs around the world. Research this and provide numbers/examples.
* For someone interested in laws and regulations, there are many [[GovernmentalUnits|Governmental Units]] dedicated to working with coral reefs. List as many as you can, along with their role, missions, and accomplishments - particularly for the US.
* In terms of reef management, these topics need further research:
** What makes for an effective [[ManagementPlan|Management Plan]]? Who are the key [[ReefStakeholders|Stakeholders]]?
** [[FisheriesManagement|Fisheries Management]] is an incredibly controversial topic, and there are many examples of how fisheries were "managed" into extinction. Provide examples of effective management and tragic tales of ineffective management. Try to focus on reef species, i.e. don't include cod!
** Talk about the importance and characteristics of [[Wilderness|Marine Reserves/Wilderness Areas]] and compare them to [[MPAs]]. Why aren't there more closed areas?
** Talk about the impact of the [[AquariumTrade|Aquarium Trade]] on reefs and reef management  ****Lucy Moxley and Chris Ramsay***

Latest revision as of 20:39, 26 July 2023

Welcome to the Coral Digest

Coral reefs are the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" of the oceans. In the face of climate change, there is no doubt that coral reefs are declining worldwide. Increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have led to warming oceans, ocean acidification, coral disease, and global bleaching events that occur too frequently for coral to recover. Localized threats from overfishing, pollution (including marine plastics), invasive species, and even the sunscreen that we all wear all but ensure that coral reefs, and the amazing assortment of fish and creatures that depend on them, will continue to decline, despite our best efforts to preserve and manage the reefs.

This site is a collection of student research.

Recent Updates

Magnificent Feather Duster
Magnificent Feather Duster