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The Role of Color on the Reef


Fish vision

Rods and cones

Different from humans[1]

Broad color spectrum picked up

UV visual sensitivity

communication signals[2]

Fish Coloration

Specific colors and patterns

blue, red, orange, yellow, green, gray, white, black, brown, silver[3]


bands, stripes, bars, speckles, spots, lines, blotches, eye markings, ocellated spots

The Role of the Environment in Coloration

Depth, temperature, etc

Roles of Colors

Protection Against Predation: warning colors, camouflage

[4] Mate Selection

Life cycle phases

purpose of color as a juvenile vs. adult[5][6]

specific examples: Queen Angelfish, Schoolmaster, Dusky Damselfish


Permanent color variations in species (geographical)[7]

Color and marking phases

temporary changes to enhance camouflage, to indicate mood, or for intraspecies communication (courtship)

instantaneous or over a long period of time


brief description and purpose

Coral Coloration

The role of the Environment on coloration

Depth, sedimentation, etc

Symbiotic relationship with algae

algae give coral its color

Fluorescent proteins

give color to algae[8]

cyan, green, yellow, red, purple-blue, chromo-red

Coral Bleaching

mainly focus on effects of lack of color

Coral Bleaching is the lack of color on various types of coral. This colorlessness is due to the death of the coral's symbiotic partner, the zooxanthellae algae. As the algae provides the coral with most of its color, the death of these creatures can prove quite detrimental to the life of corals. While some corals can live for short periods of time without their zooxanthellae partner, the majority of events that result in loss of zooxanthellae also result in death for the corals. Apart from these direct consequences that bleaching events have on the coral themselves, the stark white environment the bleaching creates can also render the area unsustainable for the otherwise vibrant fish. The white backgrounds create an environment that don't allow the fish to camouflage themselves to hide from predators as well as stalk prey.


  1. Losey, G. S., W. N. McFarland, E. R. Loew, J. P. Zamzow, P. A. Nelson, and N. J. Marshall. "Visual biology of Hawaiian coral reef fishes. I. Ocular transmission and visual pigments." Journal Information 2003, no. 3 (2003).
  2. Marshall, N. J., K. Jennings, W. N. McFarland, E. R. Loew, and G. S. Losey. "Visual biology of Hawaiian coral reef fishes. III. Environmental light and an integrated approach to the ecology of reef fish vision." Journal Information 2003, no. 3 (2003).
  3. Marshall, N. J., K. Jennings, W. N. McFarland, E. R. Loew, and G. S. Losey. "Visual biology of Hawaiian coral reef fishes. II. Colors of Hawaiian coral reef fish." Journal Information 2003, no. 3 (2003).
  4. fdsafsaklfjasdklfaj;a
  5. Longley, W. H. "Studies upon the biological significance of animal coloration. I. The colors and color changes of West Indian reef‐fishes." Journal of Experimental Zoology 23, no. 3 (1917): 533-601.
  6. Cardwell, J. R., and N. R. Liley. "Hormonal control of sex and color change in the stoplight parrotfish,< i> Sparisoma viride." General and comparative endocrinology 81, no. 1 (1991): 7-20.
  7. Messmer, Vanessa, Lynne van Herwerden, Philip L. Munday, and Geoffrey P. Jones. "Phylogeography of colour polymorphism in the coral reef fish Pseudochromis fuscus, from Papua New Guinea and the Great Barrier Reef." Coral Reefs 24, no. 3 (2005): 392-402.
  8. Alieva, Naila O., Karen A. Konzen, Steven F. Field, Ella A. Meleshkevitch, Marguerite E. Hunt, Victor Beltran-Ramirez, David J. Miller, Jörg Wiedenmann, Anya Salih, and Mikhail V. Matz. "Diversity and evolution of coral fluorescent proteins." PLoS one 3, no. 7 (2008): e2680.